Normally, I expect my drive to be rather bloated from all the iso files I keep around, but on occasion I try to clean things out. My latest attempt came from a desire to fit everything in under 80GB so I can buy an SSD (I was at 110GB). This laptop is running Vista x64 Business, SP2 with 3GB RAM. WinDirStat I always start by looking at the disk space usage. I previously used TreeSize, but now I use WinDirStat ; free and I prefer it now. I ran it as Administrator (so the counts were as accurate as possible) to see where all the space was going. I first used the Windows Disk Cleanup utility (though I skipped the Recycle Bin), but after that, most of the good information came from " Where's all my disk space going in Vista? ". Volume Shadow Copies This ended up commanding the largest space, and you can only "see" it as an Administrator since the files are in c:\System Volume Information . This page has good information about it: " Adjusting the amount of disk...
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